Friday 2 June 2017

(a) Person/Expert you admire OR (b) Websites you enjoy visiting.

In my short life in the university i started to admire a Linus Pauling, he was a famous chemical engenieer, biochemist and American activist, he was born on february 28, 1901 in United States and he was died on august 19, 1994.

Is one of the few person that won twice the Novel Prize, also he contributed to different areas of knowledge like quantum chemistry, inorganic and organic chemistry, immunology and psychology.

His most important work was the book called the nature of the chemical bond, in this publication he spoke about the hybridization concept of atomic orbitals, the scientist also discovered the alpha helix structure, in the area of the medicine he carried out investigations about the sickle cell anemia, also in the area of chemical he create the electronegativity scale for the chemical elements and the 5 principles of Pauling for to determine the molecular structure of the complex crystals.

I admire a Linus Pauling because all my life i have heard of him in his great contribution to chemistry and also because was one scientist very versatile, he was interested not only in the area of chemistry, Pauling also had a lot of interest for the molecular biology.

In conclusion he is considered in the present like one of the most important biochemical of the history.