Sunday 25 June 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

In my career the technique of therapeutic cloning is an important advance in biochemistry, because this can means a before and after in organ transplants, this technique consists of an investigator extracting the nucleus from an ovum, the nucleus contains the genetic material of a  human or laboratory animal.

Scientists then take a somatic cell and extract the nucleus from this cell, in practical human applications, the somatic cell would be obtained from a patient requiring a stem cell transplant to treat a health condition or disease,

I learned about this technique in this course of introduction to the race where i heard a dissertation that dealt with this subject, its impact on human well-being is that it can end many terminal illnesses only with the use of a pair of pluripotential cells creating a new organ.

I close this issue because it generates much controversy in the social field since some are against and others in favor.

Their main advantage is that pluripotent cells could treat diseases of any organ or tissue of the body by replacing damaged cells. Another advantage of this type of therapy is that the risk of immune rejection is relieved because the patient receives their own genetic material. 

Its main disadvantage is that therapeutic cloning is that many attempts are required to create a viable ovule. The stability of the infusion of the egg to the somatic nucleus is poor and may require hundreds of attempts before success.

Thursday 8 June 2017

the most enjoyable subject

In my second year of university the subject that i like the most is the organic laboratory, in this subject i have done different practical work, in each class you can to develop abilities like work with pressure and also can to learn about the organic chemistry, during this course the themes about organic that have been treated  are isomerization, acetylation, alkene synthesis reactions, nitration of aromatic compounds, unimolecular and bimolecular nucleophilic substitution, among others.

In this laboratory i do different processes and reactions for can synthesize organic compounds with the aim of isolating the product from its impurities and finally calculate the percentage of reaction yield and its melting point.

The subject i like it because can perfect me in the activity that i can work in the future, also because the theoretical subject of organic for me it very interesting. In the laboratory are about thirty-five students, the class is divided in two parts, the first part consists in the explanation of teacher about the practical work of day, in the second part consists and the personal work respecting the times.

The part most interesting of the subject it when you can get the product synthesized because it means that you achieved the goal. During the activity participate different persons like the teacher in charge of the course and the assistants. 

Finally the importance of this subject is that you can develop potential skills for working life.

Friday 2 June 2017

(a) Person/Expert you admire OR (b) Websites you enjoy visiting.

In my short life in the university i started to admire a Linus Pauling, he was a famous chemical engenieer, biochemist and American activist, he was born on february 28, 1901 in United States and he was died on august 19, 1994.

Is one of the few person that won twice the Novel Prize, also he contributed to different areas of knowledge like quantum chemistry, inorganic and organic chemistry, immunology and psychology.

His most important work was the book called the nature of the chemical bond, in this publication he spoke about the hybridization concept of atomic orbitals, the scientist also discovered the alpha helix structure, in the area of the medicine he carried out investigations about the sickle cell anemia, also in the area of chemical he create the electronegativity scale for the chemical elements and the 5 principles of Pauling for to determine the molecular structure of the complex crystals.

I admire a Linus Pauling because all my life i have heard of him in his great contribution to chemistry and also because was one scientist very versatile, he was interested not only in the area of chemistry, Pauling also had a lot of interest for the molecular biology.

In conclusion he is considered in the present like one of the most important biochemical of the history.